
By Daily Life App team

PowerNap is a wellness tool to fast and simply recover energy. Based on power nap method, it help you to create a healthy habit to be more focus and efficient within your day.

Your naps

The more you use the app, the best it fit to you. Based on your nap's feedback, the tool will adapt time considering the goal of the nap: recovering energy, back at your top capacities, feeling more alert, enter in a creativity stage.

Create an habit

An healthy activity bring long term benefit only when it become an habit. The PowerNap app will help you to create and install a routine that take account your need and agenda.

Track your progress

Keep an eye on your progress. Weekly report and data visualization included animated graph help you analyze and follow your progress adopting this new healthy habit.

Download PowerNap and enjoy all the naps benefits

© PowerNap. All rights reserved.
Illustration by Viktoriya Belyakova from Ouch!
Terms & Conditions

In order to delete all data related to your account, please send an email to the address app.mobile.wellness@gmail.com, specifying your email address.